showreel '22

What We Do

Services - Haspr

What we do you ask ?
We turn businesses into brands.
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over 6 years of
industry experience
Haspr Photos
The overview
We offer our guests, aka you, leading-edge websites, mobile apps, brand strategies, design concepts, advertising and many more customized solutions that are tailored to meet your specific needs.

In other words, we are the digital tailors you need right now.
Haspr Photos
01 Websites
We specially have enormous expertise in web design and development. In our starting days, we only used to get very complex enterprise resource management platform based websites on very tight budgets. So naturally our expertise grew 10 folds in web design, Today we are designing award winning websites and platforms for our clients and we’re great at it.
Haspr Photos
Haspr Photos
02 Apps
Not having an app for your business is a big no no in today's day and times ! Worry not, we'll will handle all your troubles of designing and handling all the operations of your dream app. Our specialists work day and night to do market research and build you just the perfect mobile app for your business which your customers are going to absolutely love.
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03 Branding
One thing we excel at is turning businesses into brands. We will make your brand stand out from the crowd using unique Logotypes, out of the world design ideas, Mockups, Posters, Flyers and what not. Your customers will remember your brand because we make sure they do so with proper strategy and brand marketing. We are going to deliver the majestic experience your customers deserve.
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Haspr Photos
04 Design
No compromises on this department. At haspr, anything we do, we do it in style. Be it creating spectacular designs for websites and apps or on stand-out print material, style and creativity is never compromised. Whatever budget you may have, you can be assured that the end product is going to look bonkers no matter what. Its simple out here: You define, We design.
Haspr Photos
12 reasons why.
12 reasons why. 👏
1. Client Audit
Knowing our clients is just as important as knowing their needs. We gather your vision, goals, target audience & manage timezone differences.
2. Target Audience Survey
We collect customer's requirements and views for products, and conduct field tests with focus groups, in addition to doing interviews and conferences.
3. Competitive Research
Knowing your audience and understanding the brand identity are key to creating a marketing strategy that stands out among competitors.
4. Brainstorming
At this stage, we start with the UX Design, prototyping, wireframing, site maps, landing pages and setting the overall mood for the product.
5. Design & Animation
To help tell the client's story effectively, we design unique styles & animations. Also now we select the theme colours, fonts, layouts and design concepts.
6. Content Creation
We create logos, showreels, taglines, illustrations, posters, write content, create mockups, and prepare all other content that reflects the brand.
7. Client Approval
As soon as everything has been prepared, we present it to the client for final approval and then start the development process.
8. Backend Development
We quickly develop a roadmap for backend functionality. The APIs are coded and the appropriate database is implemented soon after.
9. Frontend Development
The design is ported to code and made responsive for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Unique animations are used to enhance the experience.
10. Testing
Following the development phase, we carry out Functionality, Performance, Usability, Compatibility and Security testing. Nothing is left to chance.
11. Product Launch
The servers are rolled out, websites and landing pages are hosted on domains and apps are published on the app store and play store.
12. Lifetime Support
We never ask for payments before product delivery. After all is well and done, a lifetime bond of service and support is formed.
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full catalogue of our services. 📚
UI / UX Research
Logo Design
Event Displays
Packaging Design
Icon Design
Graphics Design
Brand Strategy
Social Media Management
Search Engine Optimization
Marketing Analytics
Digital Marketing
Offsite Marketing
Google Street View Services
Professional Photography
Product Photoshoots
Content Generation
next up
The studio
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